I will serve as editor of the June 2017 special issue „Digital Business Transformation and the Changing Role of the IT Function“ of MIS Quarterly Executive together with Paul Drews from Leuphana University of Lüneburg and Jeanne Ross from MIT Sloan School of Management. With this special issue, we are seeking papers that will explore how IT functions can cope with the changes brought on by the digital economy, and how IT functions can enable, support or even drive the digital business transformation. With this special issue, we hope to contribute to discussions about the implications of digitization on the IT function, its structures, processes and people, as well as about the adjustments that are necessary to address the new challenges.
I was nominated as Associate Editor of the IT Management and Strategy track at the 13th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI 2017). WI is one of the most important conferences in the field of Information Systems and the flagship conference of the German-speaking Information Systems community. WI 2017 will be held in St. Gallen, Switzerland, and offers an exchange forum for innovative and established topics of information systems – for both research and practice.
The conference motto “Towards Thought Leadership in Digital Transformation” constitutes the substantial focus of WI 2017. “Thought Leadership” hence leads to innovative and substantial results that provide new insights into the modes of action of digital transformation and moreover present innovative solutions to the design of organizations and information systems (“from insight to impact”). This year, I will again be a member of the advisory board of the "Best of Consulting" competition, organized by WirtschaftsWoche, a leading business magazine in Germany. The competition has the objective to award excellent consulting services in the German market in terms of brand strength, value enhancement, and project success. More information about "Best of Consulting 2016" can be found at the competition's website.
December 2024