Our MIS Quarterly Executive special issue on “Digital Business Transformation and the Changing Role of the IT Function” which I edited together with Paul Drews from Leuphana University of Lüneburg and Jeanne Ross from MIT Sloan School of Management has been published. The editorial introduction to our special issue can be downloaded here. The complete special issue including four excellent and insightful papers can be found at the MISQE website.
We received the Best Research Paper Award of the 25th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2017) for our paper "How to Implement Agile IT Setups: A Taxonomy of Design Options".
Together with my colleague Max Röglinger from the University of Bayreuth, I will edit a Springer book on Digitalization Cases. The book intends to present a rich compilation of real-world cases on digitalization. With all economic and societal sectors being challenged by disruptive digital technologies, this book illustrates how organizations leverage their capabilities to create disruptive innovation, to develop digital business models, and to digitally transform themselves. The book reports on best practices and lessons learned from organizations that succeeded in tackling the challenges and seizing the opportunities of the digital world. The cases provide insightful examples for practitioners and interesting cases for researchers, teachers, and students. All case descriptions follow a unified schema, making them easily accessible for readers. Please find the complete call for cases at the book project website.
December 2024